Red explorer Mastercard®
Please click here to read our communication regarding the closure of the Red Explorer Card

Why have you closed down the card?
Since 2014, Moneycorp has gradually exited its retail operations, closing 77 branches including sites at Oxford Street, Heathrow Airport and Stansted Airport. The last remaining retail site within Gatwick Airport closed earlier this year, marking an end to the Group’s retail franchise and an important step in its evolution from a UK foreign exchange business to a global payments and banking services provider. As part of this strategic change, the decision has been taken to close down the Explorer card products.
When is the last day I can unload my card?
After the 29th November 2022 you will only be able to unload your card by contacting Mastercard Card Services on 0800 056 0572.
What is a Mastercard foreign exchange rate?
Where we refer to a Mastercard foreign exchange rate, this is the rate set by Mastercard and may vary throughout the day. You can check our foreign exchange rates and how they compare to the European Central Bank rates at
What’s the last day I can use my card abroad?
28th February 2023
What if I see a transaction I don't recognise?
If you ever notice any transaction that doesn’t look right, just get in touch with the Mastercard Card Services team on 0800 056 0572 and they will be happy to check it out or help you escalate any incorrect transactions.